Sunday, February 19, 2012

Your Dental Health Care - Make Your Teeth A Priority As Part of Overall Good Health and Hygiene

Dental health is more important than ever, and you can make your experience with your dentist a more positive and rewarding one. Dental health is just a part of our overall health and wellness, so think about taking care of your teeth on a daily basis. Watch what you are eating, brush and floss twice each day, and make visits to your dentist a regular part of your life for optimal results.
Everything you eat or drink must pass through your teeth and mouth first. If there are foods that are difficult to chew, such as nuts or seeds, certain types of meats, or even some vegetables, they will lead to added wear and tear on your tooth enamel. Over time this will cause a wearing away or type of erosion that can be damaging. Also, be careful with chewy candy and nougats that can break or chip your teeth or loosen crowns or other dental work you have had done in the past. Remember that coffee, tea, blueberries, and other food items will permanently stain your teeth over time.
Brushing and flossing twice a day, every single day, is your best possible hedge against tooth decay and other dental health problems. Dentists like to joke that you only need to floss the teeth you intend to keep, but there is much truth to this statement. Keep a toothbrush, tooth paste, and floss with you at all times to make this even easier. This is a habit that you can turn into a permanent part of your daily health and hygiene routine that will have lasting benefits for the remainder of your life. Habits take about 21 days to set into place, so get started today and see what your dentist says at your next visit.